Living The Dream.

Living The Dream.

Oprah has her 7 steps; for Deepak Chopra, there are 8; for Rhonda Byrne, it’s THE secret. And for the Buddhists, it’s simply the law of attraction. How do you manifest anything you want for your life? Well, I’m not 100% sure – my expertise is in Admin and...
Humility – Why the Bad Wrap?

Humility – Why the Bad Wrap?

I read a post last month with a cover image of a woman CEO with the title “Humility is overrated” emblazoned across the page. The woman was posing in a manner you would expect of her stature – unnerving steely eyes staring straight back at the viewer, confidence...
Our Values

Our Values

When I was younger, I had a cousin who lived in a mansion. With a pool. As I wandered the halls of my cousin’s house, I remember thinking to myself, “man, when I’m older, I want to be really rich, so I can have a mansion like this one, with a really big pool!” In...