Email marketing is an interesting beast. It’s an excellent way to deliver personalised content to those already engaged with your business, increasing engagement and helping to drive you towards the goals you have laid out for your company.
However, list fatigue can become the grim reaper of your email marketing efforts. If you’ve noticed a decrease in the effectiveness of your campaign, here are five ways to help you overcome list fatigue:
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If you’re marketing to everyone, you’re marketing to no one. As a business owner, you know who your ideal client is. Take the time to create content that is relevant specifically to these people. Don’t try and tailor your marketing campaign to every person. This leads to impersonal content and will make it harder to form an actively engaged community.
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Continually formulate your emails in a way that talks to your ideal client. You understand their needs, wants, and desires, so utilise this knowledge to create informative and entertaining content that addresses these points specifically. Don’t be afraid to post less! Oversaturation can be a problem for those who use email marketing as an engagement tool. Focus on creating higher-quality content in a smaller volume to keep your audience engaged.
Find a happy middle ground for when you send out your emails. Too little, your brand becomes an afterthought, but too much, and your brand becomes a nuisance. To remedy this, ask your clients what they want to hear about! Then, segment your email list so people can subscribe to the content that interests them the most.
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Most email marketing systems have an analytics section. Each time you run a new campaign, look over your data! It’ll enlighten you on what your audience interacts with most, allowing you to tailor your content to them.
In an email marketing campaign, you are almost guaranteed to come across list fatigue at one point or another. To re-engage those clients: Offer an incentive (i.e., a discount or new resource), use storytelling methods to connect with them once again, or ask them what they want to see.
If you need assistance with your email marketing, reach out to us.