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Overcoming List Fatigue.

Overcoming List Fatigue.

Email marketing is an interesting beast. It’s an excellent way to deliver personalised content to those already engaged with your business, increasing engagement and helping to drive you towards the goals you have laid out for your company.

However, list fatigue can become the grim reaper of your email marketing efforts. If you’ve noticed a decrease in the effectiveness of your campaign, here are five ways to help you overcome list fatigue:

Living The Dream.

Living The Dream.

Oprah has her 7 steps; for Deepak Chopra, there are 8; for Rhonda Byrne, it’s THE secret. And for the Buddhists, it’s simply the law of attraction. How do you manifest anything you want for your life?

10 Tasks A VA Can Take Off Your Hands.

10 Tasks A VA Can Take Off Your Hands.

Running a business is no easy task. Big or small, the size of the company has little bearing on the endless duties and responsibilities that come with ensuring the smooth running of the business. When faced with countless seemingly urgent tasks, small jobs such as replying to emails, dealing with customer enquiries, data entry, making bookings, and scheduling meetings can feel burdensome and overwhelming.

Humility – Why the Bad Wrap?

Humility – Why the Bad Wrap?

We tell ourselves that we must embrace who we are, accepting every essence of our being. If you don’t like who I am, then you can get stuffed. Haters gonna hate. BUT to make it in this world, to climb to the top of that proverbial ladder, don’t you dare be humble, or worse, modest. You must stamp out any and every trait that could potentially indicate weakness. My question is… Are we to be who we are or be who people expect us to be?

Our Values

Our Values

When I was younger, I had a cousin who lived in a mansion. With a pool. As I wandered the halls of my cousin’s house, I remember thinking to myself, “man, when I’m older, I want to be really rich, so I can have a mansion like this one, with a really big pool!”

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